About me

Many years of experience in the field of Spatial Information Systems
and remote sensing since 2013. I also record and edit videos, photos from the drone. Since 2016 I m a drone operator currently with permissions that allow flying Beyond Visual Line of Sight with drones weighing up to 25 kg. Master and engeener in Spatial Planning and Master of Geoinformatics by education.

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Przemysław Kubić specjalista GIS, fotogrametrii, pilot drona SpaceScan

Base Products

The main products of our activities are precise (RTK) orthophotomosaics, point clouds, 3d space models as well as spatial analyzes and reports. In addition, we accept orders for various types of inspections, as well as films and photos.


See what we do every day

ortofotomapa dron rtk lublin
Model pokrycia terenu Digital Surface Model

Construction and geodesy

Thanks to the use of modern remote sensing methods and using RTK (Real Time Kinematic) technology, we will transfer the area infrastructure you have chosen to a digital model. This will allow you to remotely take precise measurements such as distance, area, height and volume. Our set of data obtained from drones, among others, will help you make better decisions. Using our services will also allow you to carefully supervise the construction site and, for example, the condition of materials.
The spatial information provided by us will also allow you to control geodetic measurements, professional analysis of disputed areas and help you answer the question whether the investment is being implemented in accordance with the project assumptions.

Spatial analyzes

Analiza przestrzenna zanieczyszczenia powietrza metalami ciężkimi w Lublinie
Brama Krakowska w Lublinie fotogrametryczny model 3D pomiary dronem RTK


Using RTK (Real Time Kinematic) technology, we make real 3D models of historic buildings for the purpose of archiving, taking measurements, obtaining funds for renovation and presentation on the Internet with implementation on the client’s website.

Investment support

The services we provide give the opportunity to design investments in a real, current environment thanks to detailed 3D terrain models gives the opportunity to detect possible problems early, meticulously calculate expenses, and also present your concept in a professional manner

ortofotomapa Zamek Lubelski
Pomiar dronem objętości masy ziemnej potrzebnej do wyrównania terenu
Inwentaryzacja cmentarza baza danych przestrzennych


We carry out various types of inventories using photogrammetry, including:
– inventory of claims for the insurer
– inventories of historic buildings
– inventories of cemeteries
– cyclical inventory of the construction site


The scope of our services includes inspections with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, they include:
Inspection of wind turbines and pipelines, analysis of the condition of buildings, roofs surface measurement.

inspekcje turbin wiatrowych dronem spacescan

Save important moments in the best quality

We also take photos, videos, advertising films with editing. We can also transmit the material live, e.g. to your Facebook profile or YouTube channel. The appropriate drone is selected according to the requirements and the weather situation.


Don't waste your time, pricing of the service is free

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